
Pedestrian – Car Accidents



In the United States, a pedestrian is injured in a car crash every eight minutes. Several thousand pedestrians are killed and injured each year. You could have been crossing the street, walking on a public sidewalk, or jogging on the side of the road when a driver didn’t pay attention and hit you and caused serious injury or death. Experienced New York injury lawyers understand, injuries suffered as a result of these types of accidents can be severe and cause loss of normal life.

At the Law Offices of Brian P. Wright & Associates, P.C. we  represent clients who have suffered injuries or who may be a survivor of a pedestrian killed in a road accident as a result of the negligent conduct of another person. We understand that the goal after going through such an accident is to get your medical bills paid and covered, prevent any lost wages, and make sure your insurance company will pay for future medical treatment relating to your injury. Our skilled pedestrian accident attorneys will discuss your situation and go over the options available to you. At Wright & Associates, we hold negligent drivers responsible for the damage they cause. We are proud to have established a proven reputation for success. When you need a lawyer willing to fight for your financial recovery in and out of the courtroom, contact us.

Our firm is located in Lake Success, New York and we have offices located in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx. We often represent injured victims in the following counties: Bronx, Kings, Queens, Westchester, Richmond, and Long Island. However, the Law Offices of Brian P. Wright & Associates, P.C. handles personal injury lawsuits in all counties throughout New York.


New York Traffic Law

New York Vehicle and Traffic Law (NY V.T.L.) and New York City Traffic Rules and Regulations provide laws as to the duties and responsibilities of both drivers and pedestrians. Laws regarding pedestrian travel include but are not limited to the following:

  • VTL § 1146: All drivers must exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian and must give warning by sounding the horn when necessary.
  • VTL § 1150: Pedestrians should obey all traffic-control signals when crossing roadways.
  • N.Y.C. R.R. Section 4-04(b)(1): The operator of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing a roadway within a crosswalk.
  • N.Y.C. R.R. Section 4-04(b)(2): No pedestrian should suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield.
  • N.Y.C. R.R. Section 4-04(b)(3): When any vehicle is stopped at a crosswalk to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear in the same lane cannot pass the stopped vehicle.

When a pedestrian accident occurs, the laws impacting both the driver and pedestrian are taken into consideration for purposes of determining liability. If an injured pedestrian decides to seek legal action following an accident, their adherence to traffic laws will factor in the ability to recover compensation for any injuries sustained.


If you were hurt and sustained injuries from a pedestrian accident as a result of a driver’s negligence, careless, or intentional conduct, you may have a right to receive compensation for your injuries, including other losses, such as lost wages, while recovering from your injuries.

If the driver was insured at the time of the accident, you can file a claim with the driver’s insurance company. The claim negotiation and settlement process can be time consuming and difficult to navigate without assistance from a lawyer. The claims adjuster from the insurance company will try to settle your claim for as little as possible and will require you to give up your rights to sue the driver in court in exchange for paying your claim.

Because pedestrian accidents can cause such devastating injuries, filing a personal injury lawsuit is often the only way to get the compensation you deserve.


Negligence is defined as the failure to act with the level of care that a reasonable person would have exercised under the same or similar circumstances. There are five elements of a standard negligence claim. In prosecuting a pedestrian accident lawsuit based upon on negligence, the following elements must be proved by a preponderance of the evidence, (meaning that more than 50% of the evidence favors his or her case), he or she will win the lawsuit and will be awarded money by the court. If an injured pedestrian can establish each of these elements, then a Defendant can be found liable for the pedestrian’s damages.

  • Duty of Care: Drivers have a duty of care to exercise caution with other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians that share the roadway. The defendant must be obligated by law to act in a certain way toward the injured pedestrian. There is almost always a duty for a driver to exercise reasonable care toward pedestrians on the roadway.
  • Breach of Duty: The defendant must have breached that duty, meaning that he or she failed to act with the required level of care. If a driver breaks a traffic law and strikes a pedestrian, the court may automatically assume that the driver has breached a duty under a legal theory called negligence per se.
  • Cause-in-Fact: The injured pedestrian must prove that the driver actually caused his or her injury. The cause in fact element of negligence means that you cannot put the responsibility on a defendant without establishing a clear cause-and-effect relationship.This is sometimes called “but-for” causation because the plaintiff must show that but for the defendant’s actions, the plaintiff’s injuries would not have occurred.
  • Proximate Cause: It must be proven that the breach of duty was the proximate cause of the harm suffered by the injured person. In New York, this means that the plaintiff can only seek damages if the negligence is a substantial factor in causing the incident that led to the injury. Although, it does not have to be the only factor but, just has to be a substantial one. The driver in a pedestrian accident case will only be responsible (or “liable”) for the harms that were foreseeable as a result of his or her actions.
  • Damages: The fifth element of negligence is damages which is compensation for pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, lost income, or money spent on medical treatment. If you were injured in a personal injury case because of the negligence of one or more persons, you will be entitled to damages, however, you must prove the other elements of negligence before you receive damages.


What is the Timeline for a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit?

If you are considering filing a pedestrian accident lawsuit, you probably want to know how long your case will take. In New York, you have three years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit under a procedural rule known as a “statute of limitations.” Once you file your lawsuit, the amount of time it will take to resolve depends on a number of factors, including the severity of your injuries and the complexity of the legal issues involved in your case.

If you were seriously injured, the defendant (or his or her insurance company) may be eager to settle the case before it goes to trial because they anticipate that the amount of damages that you’re awarded by a judge or jury will be very high. If you receive a  settlement offer before trial, your lawyer will help you determine whether you are being offered a fair amount of money for your injuries and other losses. If your pedestrian accident case goes to trial, this process can take several months or even years. Your lawyer can help you better understand how long your pedestrian accident lawsuit will take once he or she begins working on your case.


A pedestrian accident may cause serious injuries that require immediate medical treatment. The cost of medical treatment can be financially overwhelming, even for those with health insurance. You should evaluate all of your options for managing your medical expenses after a pedestrian accident. Even though the driver who hit you is legally responsible for these expenses if they were at fault in the accident, you may need to pay for your own medical costs until your insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit is resolved.

Here are a few of the options you have to manage your medical expenses.

  • Insurance Coverage. You may have optional medical payments coverage through your auto insurance policy. If you have coverage under this type of policy, your medical bills may be covered if you were injured as a pedestrian by a vehicle. The driver’s insurance policy may cover your medical bills, but you should consult with a pedestrian accident lawyer before accepting any type of settlement from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
  • Health Insurance. Your health insurance coverage will typically cover a portion of your medical treatment. You may be required to pay the remainder out-of-pocket. You should consult with a lawyer about how any proceeds from a personal injury lawsuit will be allocated to your insurance provider.
  • Medical Liens. With this option, your attorney can help you get medical treatment from doctors and healthcare facilities that will treat you on a “lien” basis. This means that you pay nothing out of pocket in exchange for agreeing to pay the doctor or facility back once your case settles.
  • Out of Pocket. If you pay for your medical treatment and associated expenses out-of-pocket, you will be reimbursed for these costs if your personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim is successful.



We offer a free consultation to evaluate your legal case. It will cost you nothing to consult with a lawyer to see if you have a case. It is essential that action be taken promptly to preserve evidence, investigate the accident and/or conduct in question and to file a lawsuit, when necessary prior to a deadline imposed by the statute of limitations.We give all our pedestrian accident  clients a promise that if we do not recover monetary damages in your case, we will not charge you an attorney fee. If we take your case, we only get paid if we win your case.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian automobile related accident, contact us for a free initial consultation. There is no fee unless we are successful. Call 347-886-9472 or fill out our contact form for a FREE no obligation legal case evaluation. Our lawyers provide legal advice to injured pedestrians, cyclists, and many others.

To discuss your case with a personal injury lawyer experienced in litigating pedestrian accident lawsuits, please call 347-886-9472. We serve all of New York, including Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Long Island, Rochester, Albany, and Buffalo.