
Car Accidents


                             (347) 886-9472


Liability: Who will be found at fault for my accident? 

An experienced attorney must prove that the other vehicle involved in your accident was negligent.  People who operate automobiles have a duty to exercise reasonable care under the circumstances. Failure to use reasonable care is the most common reason a driver will be held liable for the injuries caused in an accident. If the other vehicle ran a stop sign, red light, or rear-ended your vehicle when you were fully stopped, that vehicle will likely be found 100% negligent. But, not every case is straightforward.  What if both parties share at least part of the blame?  Different states handle that question in different ways. Here in New York, the doctrine that applies to cases where there may be more than one responsible party is called comparative negligence.

Comparative negligence: Can I still bring a lawsuit if I am also at fault my accident? 

Comparative negligence is an interesting topic of discussion in New York State in regards to accident law and personal injury law. If someone is injured or involved in an accident, the biggest question most courts deal with is whether or not one of the parties is at fault. For example, if one car is making a left turn and hits another vehicle that is driving over the speed limits, then the first car would be found at least partially liable for the accident, and the other car could be found liable as well for driving over the speed limit. In cases like these, both parties are responsible for paying a percentage of compensation, based on how liable they were for causing the accident. The party with 30 percent liability would pay less than the party who was found to be 70 percent at fault, for example. 

Statute of Limitations: How much time do I have to file my lawsuit? 

In New York, the law regarding the time to file a personal injury lawsuit after an automobile accident is three years from the date of accident. There are certain exceptions which is why it is best to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss the facts and laws that may apply to your individual case. 

Attorneys are expensive:  What if I can’t pay an attorney for my lawsuit? 

Like most personal injury law firms, we take your case on a contingency basis. In other words, you will not have to pay anything for the prosecution of your lawsuit unless we recover money on your behalf. Our payment will be taken out of the settlement so you do not have to worry about paying for any attorney fees. 

Serious Injuries: I don’t feel like I was hurt at the accident. Should I still see a doctor?

Definitely.  In many personal injury cases, the injured party often does not feel hurt because of the shock associated with being involved in an accident or, due to the adrenaline their body produces in response to the accident. However, you should still get medical attention and see a doctor as soon as possible after the accident.  From both a medical and legal perspective, it is important to receive prompt medical treatment for any potential case that can prosecuted on your behalf to show that you pursued medical treatment in a timely manner.  

Value of my case:   How much is my case worth?

Each case is different so the value of your case depends on many factors. If you were injured and sustained personal injuries in a car accident, you may be able to make a claim for damages that involve: 

  • Property damage, to your car and personal items that were damaged as a result of the accident. 
  • Bills associated with medical treatment for injuries sustained in the accident. 
  • Past, present, and future pain and suffering, both physical and emotional. 
  • Lost wages, as a result of being injured and not being capable of resuming work. 
  • Loss of the quality of your life.   

The value of your case will depend on the extent these damages, including other factors, as well as the other availability of the other vehicle’s insurance and the extent of their insurance policy.  

Communication with other driver’s insurance company?

Definitely not. The other vehicle’s insurance company will attempt to contact you and seek information from you. It is important that you do not speak with them until you have discussed your case with an experienced personal injury attorney. The other party’s insurance company will try to obtain information from you to diminish your claim.

If you have any questions about your accident, please feel free to call us at (347) 886-9472.


Injuries arising from car accidents can significantly impact a person’s life. The lawyers at Wright & Associates, P.C. fight for the full amount of compensation our clients deserve, to help them get the best medical attention because they understand how devastating these accidents can be.  Common serious injuries from car crashes can include the following:

  • Death
  • Amputation
  • Paralysis and other spinal injuries, such as herniated discs
  • Coma
  • Brain damage, such as Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
  • Significant scarring
  • Multiple fractures
  • Emotional trauma, such as PTSD

Car accident victims may experience delayed symptoms, which is why you should never wait to get medical attention. Injuries to the head, such as a concussion, can involve symptoms that can take longer to experience and may not be felt immediately following an accident. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, can also be a symptom that you may not experience immediately following a car accident which is why you should get medical attention immediately after being involved in an accident, so that your injuries do not get worse.


Car accidents occur every day and they are not always due to the driving of the other vehicle involved.  Regardless of the exact cause of your accident, if there was negligence involved, it is likely you will be able to file a claim for it. It is helpful to know some of the different factors that contribute to car accidents, so you can understand who the potential defendants would be in a case. Common causes of car collisions include:

  • Drunk Driving: Every day in the United States, almost 30 people die in drunk-driving crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Alcohol reduces a person’s ability to function properly, leading to an increased risk of driver error and accidents.
  • Distracted Driving: Distracted driving includes any activity that takes your full attention away from the road. This could include texting or talking on your cell phone, eating or drinking, or making radio or GPS adjustments; any task that causes you to focus just slightly less on driving makes you a distracted driver, and therefore increases the risk of accidents.
  • Failure to Yield: Many car accidents occur because a driver did not properly follow the rules of the road, especially at an intersection. If a driver fails to yield to another motorist or pedestrian, whether by running through a stop sign or simply not paying attention, the consequences can be serious.
  • Road Hazards and Road Defects: Road hazards or defects, can include, among other things, debris, icy roads, or signage that is not visible to drivers. These can be just as much a cause of accidents as driver error. In cases like these, if the road hazard was a known problem, it is possible the city or state municipality responsible for maintaining the road could be found liable.
  • Manufacturer Automobile Defects:  Sometimes, an accident is not caused entirely by driver error. The motorist may be following all the rules of the road, but is unable to prevent an accident because of a defective part in her vehicle. For example, the brake system may stop working. If this is the case, the car manufacturer may be liable for the accident.

Sometimes, accidents like these cannot be prevented. If that is the case and you are involved in an accident, we are well-equipped to determine the cause and who is potentially liable. We utilize police reports from the accident scene to help provide evidence of the circumstances of the accident. Our legal team also works with traffic experts, witness accounts, and more to recreate the accident scene, in order to determine the best way to go about handling your case.


The Law Offices of Brian P. Wright & Associates, P.C. has a long tradition of obtaining significant verdicts and settlements for injured car accident victims. We have recovered millions for our clients that have been involved in auto accident cases and will continue to fight for the maximum compensation they deserve. 


We give all our automobile accident clients a promise that if we do not recover monetary damages in your case, we will not charge you an attorney fee. If we take your case, we only get paid if we win your case.

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, contact us for a free initial consultation. There is no fee unless we are successful. Call (347) 886-9472 or fill out our contact form for a FREE no obligation legal case evaluation. Our lawyers provide free legal advice to slip and fall victims.

To discuss your case with a personal injury lawyer established in premises liability injury lawsuits, please call (347) 886-9472 We serve all of New York, including Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Long Island, Rochester, Albany, and Buffalo.